
The German HCI is just one of the many efforts the German research community put out. Here, we want to mention our friends and partners.

If you have an interesting event or community related to HCI in Germany, we are happy to get in touch and see how we can mutually benefit from each other. Send an email to or check out our About page.

Labs & Universities

The German HCI is foremost a joint adventure by multiple labs from German universities. We want to thank them for all their contributions! The list of supporting labs from each year can be found in the respective editions; an almost complete list of all German HCI labs can be found here.

German ACM SIGCHI Chapter

The German ACM SIGCHI Chapter also aims to increase the international visibility of the German HCI-Community by supporting HCI-related events organized in Germany. The chapter can help by promoting such events on its website and in ACMs local activities calendar as well as by providing access to the ACM Distinguished Speakers Program.

Everyone can sign-up for free by sending an Email containing the ACM member number (not mandatory), email address, name and affiliation to the current chair ( or any other officers of the SIGCHI German Chapter.

GI – German Informatics Society and Special Interest Group HCI (FB MCI)

The “Gesellschaft für Informatik” (GI, German Informatics Society) is, with about 20,000 personal and 250 corporate members, the largest and most important professional society for computer science in the German-speaking area. Since 1969 it has represented the interests of computer scientists in science, economy, public administration, society and politics.

Within the GI, the special interest group on Human-Computer Interaction (FB MCI) promotes and bundles work on the topic of human-computer interaction, coordinates the activities of its supporting specialist groups, represents them externally, and maintains cooperations with related specialist societies. Additionally, the special interest group supports the international scientific journal i-com devoted to different topics around HCI.