The German HCI

About Us

The German research community in the area of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is highly lively and manifold. The German HCI provides a platform for the fascinating research, the aspirating labs, and the exciting events of this community. Our roots lie in the organization of the German HCI events at the ACM CHI conference, where we invite attendees to join us for discussing and exchanging the latest HCI research in a relaxed atmosphere. In addition, we also started to support further community events within the German HCI community.

If you have questions, comments, or want to join us, please do not hesitate to contact us.

German HCI @ CHI

Under the German HCI flag, over 30 research labs teamed up to promote together their institutions and research at the annual ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, the premier venue in the field of Human-Computer Interaction. Since 2017, we have been organizing a networking event together during CHI —also known as the German HCI event— in order to boost the visibility of our community. Over the years, this event has grown to become the largest of its kind at CHI, with almost 1.000 guests.

2024 Edition – Honolulu

To CHI 2024, the German HCI Labs contributed more than 70 publications. We are looking forward to meeting most of you at our annual German HCI Event during this CHI. Keep an eye out for the details on our website!

Community Events

The German HCI community also organizes many different events, fostering the exchange of novel ideas and concepts and extending the outreach of Human-Computer Interaction.

Report on GermanHCI Event @CHI2024

The German HCI Event @CHI 2024 was a huge success – thank you to everyone involved. We wrote a brief summary, which you can read here!

Previous GermanHCI Events

A list of all previous editions shows all our events since 2017.